Judy King
Teacher Training

Comments from Previous Participants

“I most appreciated being supported and encouraged (but never pressurised) to begin a very exciting and stimulating learning curve. I now have a new set of skills which I am eager to try out! I cannot recommend this course highly enough. For anyone hesitating (which I did) please go ahead and reserve your place. I cannot imagine anyone leaving this course without an enhanced sense of wonder. I felt incredibly energised when I left! A heartfelt thank you." (Katie 2017)

“I got a foundation in such different skills and everything was so helpful and helped me have confidence in myself.” (Dani 2017)

“I now have more confidence; a deeper understanding of dance; deeper understanding of music; a greater awareness of different styles of learning and mostly I now have a better understanding of what I’m trying to do in teaching a dance and how to achieve learning for those participating.” (Gill R. 2017)

“I really appreciated the breadth of the course and the attention to detail. That the course was about learning how to be a Circle Dance teacher and all that entails and not just learning how to teach a particular choreographer’s dances." (Vicki 2017)

" I appreciated your friendliness. Your kindness pervades the whole group so that we all get on. I also appreciated your passion for the dancing, your sense of humour, your very practical ways of teaching.” (Brenda 2017)

“ I really appreciated your self-awareness and awareness of what was going on in the group. Your thorough preparation, clarity of instruction, attention to details and your ability to keep many balls in the air at the same time - and your smiles across the circle!” (Ann 2017)

“I think you achieved a remarkable balance of providing tuition to all, no matter how much or how little experience we had." (Jen 2017)

“The quality of the course reflects your personal standards and obvious dedication. ….. The depth of your experience permeates every aspect of the course. What a hard worker you are!… You managed the group with firmness, humour, caring and compassion when needed. …. I feel privileged to have worked with you and your faculty.” (Kathryn 2010/2011)

“I feel much better equipped to teach and lead a dance group now. I knew what I needed to do before coming on the course but you have given me the tools to help me do it….” (Pat 2010/2011)

“ What I appreciated most was you explaining to me how to improve both my dancing and teaching. And everything was in a warm and greatly supportive atmosphere”. (Margot 2010/2011)

“I really appreciated the quality and quantity of information provided both verbally and through handouts. I most appreciated the teacher’s wisdom and talent – your inclusive mind and your ability to deal with group dynamics are just brilliant! You certainly enjoy going through the process of teaching in such a deep way that is beyond words!” (Lidia 2008)

“Brilliant, life-changing, soul-enhancing ~ what more can I say?” (Theolyn 2008)

“I cannot imagine that any course could be more thoroughly prepared, carefully thought through or more informative.” (Patricia 2008)

“ I most appreciated the quality of the teaching (excellent!), the humour (laughter), the amount of information included”. (Anne 2008)

“ I most appreciated the quality with which the subjects covered was delivered by all the teachers and the safe and respectful atmosphere (that) I felt got created. Thank you for a profound learning time”. (Diane 2008)

“I most appreciated the quality and commitments of all the teachers; its (the course’s) overall professionalism and attention to detail; your love of this work and obvious delight at seeing others grow and give of their best.” (Janette 2008)

“I feel I have been given a selection of tools and hopefully the confidence to use them”. (Maria 2008)

“I appreciated your teaching of the dance - sensitive and thorough. Also your sensitivity to the group and individual needs.”(Jacqueline 2006)

“I most appreciated being pushed. You had said that we would be, and we were. You also promised to hold it all safely, and from my point of view, you did.” (Rosie 2006)

“I most appreciated the insights I have gained in the areas of rhythm, learning styles, dance families and the wonderful experience of the attunement sessions.” (Mary P’man. 2006)

“Judy, it’s hard not to sound like a testimonial! I can only say how very much this course has given me and in ways I haven’t comprehended yet.” (Sue 2006)

“Your personality and style created a very safe space where I could be vulnerable and open to ‘grace’ and ‘realignment’ through movement.” (Mary P. 2006)

“I most appreciated the space and freedom to try and fail and try again.”
(Karen 2006)

“I really appreciated your flexibility which meant that the unique needs of the individual and of the group as a whole were catered for.” (Patricia 2006)

“I most appreciated Judy’s professional leadership of the group and the way she led us to recognise our strengths. When Carolyn C. told me the course was life changing I was a bit sceptical- but it is so true.” (Jane 2006)

“ I most appreciated the fact that whatever happened was constructive and that all the teachers are experts” (Penny 2005)

“The way you gave so much of yourself and the way it all came from the heart”. (Caroline 2005)

“I most appreciated observing Judy in action – as a teacher, as a dancer. Her attention to detail and observation of the needs of each student. Her humour, used in various ways to lighten situations before they became difficult. I always had the feeling that Judy was 100% present”. (MaryAnne 2005)

“I really appreciated working in depth with other people focussed on a common task. The quality of the course structure and leadership”. (Angela 2005)

“It (the course) has built something much more than mere confidence”. (Joan 2002/2003)

“ The main skills were what I enrolled for, what I wasn’t expecting was all the subtle skills that were delivered as well..... what a course you offered. If you break down the length of the course and all the information delivered it was phenomenal.” (Cate 2002/2003)

“There cannot be an unturned stone with regard to any aspect of teaching circle dance”. (Ann 2002/2003)

“I most appreciated Judy’s teaching skills, her grace and her awareness of how people are feeling.” (Margaret 2002/2003)

“It (the course) took, what for me is a pleasurable experience, and sometimes a deep experience, and helped me to think about how I might use it further as a tool and gift with others”. (Lorraine 2001)

“Your positive energy and good humour and your care for those in the group were a model of good teaching practice”. (David 2001)

“It’s given me confidence in myself. I believe I can dance now - not just put my feet in the right places.” (Ali 1999/2000)

“I now feel that I am in touch with a body of knowledge and I have a greater awareness of rhythm in teaching”. (Jenny 1999/2000)

“I most appreciated learning in a safe environment!” (Erika 2001)

“It more than met my needs for safety, for thorough planning, for sound and wise training and advice, for wonderful inspiration.....” (Marion 2001)

“The dancer in me has grown - and is growing”. (Janet 2001)

“I appreciated your great source of knowledge and talent as a dancer and your excellent skills as a teacher”. (Joan 2001)

“I most appreciated the very professional and compassionate way of creating, organising and giving this course”. (Rina 2001)

“I have learned in both breadth and depth.” (Anne 2001)

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