Judy King
Circle Dance Teacher

I knew from an early age that teaching was going to be my vocation. I followed the orthodox route, training to be a Physical Education teacher and qualifying with a B.Ed.(Hons) in 1980. By chance I was introduced to Circle Dancing in 1982 and from that moment on my life began to change.

In 1984 I resigned my teaching post and within the following year was teaching Circle Dance mainly in special schools. One circle led to another and I have now been teaching Circle Dance full time since 1986.

I'm known for my ability to take those who dance with me ‘beyond the steps’; to discover a deeper understanding of the movement within the dance - of finding a new relationship with their body. I always say that I believe that my real teaching can begin once everyone has learnt the steps. My teaching style is to work with awareness and precision yet with a lightness of touch that comes through sense of and use of humour.

I teach courses - many and various - in England and across Europe as well as further afield. I also lead a biannual Teacher Training Course for people who want to go deeper into the art that is Circle Dancing and to learn some of the tools to help make them better teachers.

Amidst my busy teaching schedule I have also attended courses to continue my own development in the dance. I have studied with many well respected teachers from abroad: Gabriele Wosien, Friedel Kloke-Eibl, Hennie Konings, Vincent Parodi, Yves Moreau, Nanni Kloke and Shakeh Major Tchilingirian.

“I enjoyed dancing with you. Your enthusiasm, your humour, the way you explain dances, your body language, your way of being. I find it splendid. The first time I danced with you in Brussels, I said to Hilde, ‘that’s it’. I still hope to dance many times with you.” Rika Vandevenne, Belgium. August 2010

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