Judy King
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Finely Tuned

Traditional dances and modern choreographies with music played by Serendipity

A demonstration DVD to accompany the CD of the same name. Music for the 15 dances is played by Serendipity, and danced by a group of dancers. Where necessary, fine details are also demonstrated separately by Judy and Many de Winter.


Hanter Dro "Genette"
Waltz of the White Lilies
Zapevala Sojca Ptica
Kafu Mi Draga Ispeci
Devushky Padruzhenky
Calum's Road
Joc Batrânesc Din Niculitel
Oj Poved Kolo

Bavno Oro
Hineh Ma Tov
Morning Blessing
Hora Chatuna
Summer Fall

Running time: 75 minutes
Released March 2011

CD also Available

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