Judy King
Shop Music Books

A World of Music - Volume II

Compiled by Mandy de Winter

Originally compiled by Mandy for musicians at Dance Camp Wales 1995, this book includes the sheet music for ninety-three Circle Dance tunes.

The reproduction is basic, but it provides a useful, enjoyable and affordable resource for musicians eager to explore or expand their Circle Dance repertoire.

The melody line for all tunes is included, and many also have harmony lines. Most have suggested chords and songs come complete with words.


Ahavat Hadasa (Is.)
Ani Ma Amin (Is.)
Atahualpa (S. Amer.)
Azucena Tika (S. Amer.)
Balta (Rom.)
By The Quiet Stream (Hun.)
Cariad Pur (Welsh)
Carolan's Leprechaun
Chiaroscuro (Feron)
Chiotikos (Gr.)
Condor (S. Amer.)
Cor Tanc (Hun.)
Dance from Leros (Gr.)
Dans Vanietais (Brittany)
Dark Spiral (Ray Price)
Dospatsko Horo (Bul.)
Dudalas (Hun.)
Echav Hasman (Is.)
Ekisliisko Choro (Bul.)
Ever Flowing Spring (Blowzabella)
Galibante (Bob Minney)
Galician Processional ("Non Sofre Santa Maria")
Gentle Tsamikos (Gr.)
Giving & Receiving ("Kareve Yom")
Harsaneek (Arm.)
Hora (Rom.)
Hora Agadati (Is.)
Hora Hassidit (Is.)
Hora De La Langesti (Rom)
Hora Lenta (Rom.)
Hora Medura (Is.)
Hora Veche (Rom.)
Irish Mandala
Issos ("Mes Stu Aegeru")
Jacu (S. Amer.)
Kak U Kluchika (Russ.)
Kalamatianos (Gr.)
Ketri Ketri (Mac/Gyp.)
Khumkhuma (Arm.)
Kirya Y'feyfiya (Is.)
Koulsko (Bul.)
Koutsos (Gr.)
Kritikos (Gr.)
Kupilemel (Is.)
Lazbar (Tur.)
Lesnoto (Mac.) ("Ajde Red Se Redat Male")
Little Lemon Tree (Gr.)
Little Lemon Tree (Gr.)
Loorke (Arm.)
March Hare (Bob Minney)
Marino Waltz.
Masarica (Rom.)
Macallistrum's March
Mechol Halahat (Is.)
Migration (Bob Minney)
Mombar (Arm.)
Nigun Shel Yossi (Is.)
Nike Dre (Gr.)
Odeno Oro (Mac.)
Pasito Del Moreno (S. Amer.)
Pera Stous Pera Kambos (Gr.)
Pig In The Kitchen (Ire.)
Pravo Horo (Bul.) ("Hodilla Mi E Bojana")
Pravo Rhodopsko Horo (Bul.) ("Kitko Zelena")
Pravo Oro (Mac.). ("Zumbaj Zumba Ba")
Se Om Fezer (Span.)
See Yona (Is.)
Sepastia Bar (Arm.)
Sfarlis (Gr.)
Shatagi Shoror (Arm.)
Shifra Tanzt (Klez.)
Shoror (Arm.)
Sirbo Din Bucovina (Rom.)
Skudrinka (Mac.)
Snosti Vecer Jano Mori (Mac.)
Speknerin (Playford)
Sta Dhio ("Yianni Mou")
Sumadysko Kolo (Serb.)
Summit (Bob Minney)
Svornato (Bul.)
Tai Tai (Gr.)
The Larch Tree Dance
The Traveller (Bob Minney)
The Herdsman's Dance (We.)
Trgnalla Rumjana (Bul.)
Uprising (Bob Minney)
Valenki (Russ.)
Valle Permatare (Alb.)
Wise Maid (Ire.)
Zante (Gr.)
Zensko Oro (Mac.)
Zeybekkio (Gr.) ("Aide Mandalyo")
Translations Of Songs

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