Judy King
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Dance to Re-Connect

An Introduction to the Harmony Method®

by Nanni Kloke

Dance to re-connect, by Nanni Kloke with a foreword by Gabriele Wosien is now available. It is possible to pre-order the book now and we will send it to you on receipt of your order to hopefully arrive for Christmas!

In this book, Nanni describes her personal journey as a dancer, teacher and mother and the resulting development in her own body awareness and spirituality. Step by step, using short examples from her life, she tells how the Harmony Method® slowly came into being. By giving practical examples and background information, this book aims to encourage people to develop an awakened sense of both body awareness and surrounding nature. To rediscover that their own inner voice is a source of wisdom and that their heart can serve as a compass when embarking on an holistic path of personal development.

The various non-verbal methods used in the Harmony Method® - gentle Body Awareness Work, Dance, non-judgmental nature related practices and various other art forms - provide a rich source of inspiration on this journey.

The book also includes video clips of Nanni dancing her Body Awareness exercises.

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