Judy King
Friday 30th April
Sunday 2nd May 2021

Misa Criolla choreographed by Nanni Kloke

Led by Judy King

Brigsteer Village Hall, near Kendal

Sorry, this event has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic
And so it goes on..... let's try again later in the year - date to be confirmed

The Misa Criolla is a deeply moving twenty five minute long Danced Prayer choreographed by Nanni to stunning South American music.
This is an exciting opportunity to deepen our experience of this danced prayer.
Judy will teach the dances (including other dances to support the Prayer)

N.B. Everyone is welcome to attend this workshop - from any creed, faith or personal belief system. When we dance the Misa Criolla for a final time it is done without any reminder of steps.

Cost: £100
For further details or to book your place, please contact Miggy Scott:

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